Interactive Installation 2010-2012 Mónica Mendes
Pedro Ângelo
Nuno Correia
Collaborations AZ labs: Ricardo Lobo,
João Carvalho [Hug@ree sprint],
Margarida Faria[Virtual Hug], Maurício Martins[electronics].
Local support at Maçal do Chão: Fernando Mendes, Valter Cruz, João Correia
Hug@ree at UCLA Sci|Art NanoLab “Imagine the impossible– exploring Art and Science in Los Angeles”
Hug@ree is an interactive installation that provides a bond between urban beings and the forest. Participants hug a real tree, triggering their registration in the virtual world for further interaction.
The hug to the tree is detetected by a combination of capacitive sensors and recorded by an IP camera. The captured video is sent to a screen where participants can place the video loop of their hug on a tree structure, becoming leaves of a collective experience. || Time lapse of the first days»
Hug@ree is currently at UCLA in the scope of the Summer Institute Sci|Art NanoLab.
This interactive installation is part of the "Guest lecture: Mónica Mendes" presentation of RTiVISS ongoing research as an UCLA Art|Sci artist in residence, at CNSI Auditorium, June 22, 1.30pm. Here is part of the visual documentation»
» The online version of the visual outcomes
» Timelapses of the final days
» Photo gallery of the Hug@ree setup, RTiVISS presentation and Art|Sci
Multiple Hug@ree installations around the world will upload their leaves to an online platform, creating a global shared embrace of nature.
Sci|Art NanoLab 2011 The Sci|Art NanoLab is a UCLA course aimed at making connections between cutting edge scientific research, popular culture and contemporary arts.
Instrumented Tree "Bidwill Brachychiton" (Sterculia Family),
from Australia
"(…) in herself alone she is more important than all the hundreds of other roses: because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen; (...) Because she is my rose." by Saint-Exupéry, in Little Prince